
The Alleviation and Management of Dental Pain

Posted on 18/04/2017
Norfolk Dental Specialists team

Our mission is to create pain-free dentistry. Our specialists go to great lengths to ensure that no pain is felt during our procedures. We know that some people will have had bad dentist experiences in the past. At Norfolk Dental Specialists, we encourage our patients to relate their experiences of pain, so that we can take the appropriate measures to alleviate and manage it.

The Science of Anaesthetics

Modern dentistry is made possible by the science of anaesthetics. Historically, nothing much more advanced than an extraction could take place because it was too painful. Once a dentist was able to numb a patient’s pain response – initially by general anaesthetics such as chloroform and ether, and later by localised anaesthetics that leave the patient conscious but unable to feel anything in the numbed area – the way was paved for more advanced treatments to be developed. The specialist procedures carried out by Norfolk Dental Specialists would be impossible without our advanced knowledge of anaesthetics.

Don’t Fear the Needle

So, anaesthetics allow us to perform long and complex procedures completely pain-free, but what about the administration of the anaesthetic? Many people fear the needle more than anything else. We encourage our patients to talk to us about their fears at their initial consultation. We have a range of options that can reduce your anxiety:

  • Topical Numbing Gel: Our patients rave about our topical numbing gel. The gel is applied to the surface of the gum before injection. A few patients have stated that they can't feel the injection at all through the numbed gum. In most cases, there is a significant decrease of sensation during injection.
  • Warm Anaesthetic: We warm up the local anaesthetic that we use to numb an area of your mouth. This simple touch means that patients feel less discomfort as the anaesthetic is injected.
  • Oral Sedation: This consists of a mild sedative that relaxes the patient, but maintains their awareness throughout any procedure. This sedative is an inexpensive option.
  • Intravenous Sedation: This is administered by a qualified anaesthetist. This sedative puts the patient into a mid-state. The patient is not unconscious and they are able to follow instructions, but afterwards most people have no recollection of the procedure. Intravenous sedation is more expensive, but patients with particularly strong fears and anxieties have reported very positive experiences.

Management of Discomfort

As with all dental treatment there can be some discomfort in the days following a procedure. Tenderness and light bruising are nothing to worry about and can be well managed with paracetamol and ibuprofen. Swelling will typically subside within a few days. 

A few patients will embark on an additional course of relaxation therapy or hypnotherapy as an extra help, but most find that talking to us and being given the opportunity to express their concerns is usually enough. afterwards, many patients wonder why they were concerned at all! 

Throughout your course of treatment by Norfolk Dental Specialists, we encourage you to talk to us. When a patient is open with us about their pain anxieties, we can take measures to alleviate them. If you have any questions at all about any of our processes or procedures, call our reception on 01603 632525.

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